The new website has been launched!


The feed legislation website can now be visited. From now on you can access all European legislation and regulations via 

Previously, this information was shared by FND-Nevedi via The specific information about feed legislation can no longer be consulted via that website but is now shared via 

This new website is managed by GMP+ International. Updates will be posted every month and a newsletter will be sent out with the relevant changes or updates.

The website is intended as a tool to help you find laws and regulations more quickly. From the website there is a link to the official legal and regulatory documents of the European Union and the Dutch Government.

GMP+ International is not an expert in the field of legislation and regulations. We only want to help you find information easier and faster. No rights can be derived from the published information and GMP+ International cannot answer questions about legislation and regulations. To do this, go to your local competent authority.